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Great for people wanting to show up, get right on the horse, and be lead around. Bring an apple or carrot if you'd like to give the horse a treat after the ride. Still a lesson, but less detail and much shorter!

Pony Ride

$ 10 USD


Best for groups of people or those not wanting to ride yet. You'll get a treat bucket with assortment of goodies for the horses. We'll show you around the farm meeting the horses and stable cat. No riding involved.

$ 10 USD


Drop your child off from 8am-1pm. Depending on the day, they assist with feeding, mucking, turnout, barn cleaning, stable decorating, pasture maintenance, etc. For younger kids, we add in a craft or fun project that evolves around the horse world. Other hours available, just ask!

$ 55 USD

$5 off if multiple days are purchased

Recurring Payments

Board Type


The next level of instruction has the child groom (brush and hoof pick) their horse, ride, and untack afterwards. Perfect for riders just starting out and those with shorter attention spans!

Half Hour Lesson

$ 30 USD


This hour long session involves bringing horse in from pasture, grooming, tacking up, riding, untacking, and returning to pasture. Best for older and more focused riders.

Hour Lesson

$ 50 USD


Gift certificates good for Sweet Moon Stables OR Sabrina's Petsitting

$25 Gift Certificate

$ 25 USD