
Boarding: Currently FULL
We offer full stall board at $425/month in a warm barn with heated tack/feed room. This includes a stall in the barn, outdoor lighted arena, small private trails, dirt roads, daily shavings, hay, grain, administering of supplements (owner provides in baggies), daily stall cleaning, turn in/out as needed, fly spraying (you provide personal spray), and blanket changes.
Run-In Board also available for a couple well behaved equine friends. Includes shelter, paddock, hay (usually round bales so we recommend getting botulism vaccine), and intermittent mucking of run-in. $300/month (can add on blankets or grain for added fee where possible).
Do you have a horse with an old injury or whose dedicated their lives to work and now deserve a chance to relax and enjoy being pampered work-free? We offer retirement board to fit their needs while giving you the freedom from tedious routine requirements. We will provide food/treats, grooming once a week, fly spray, deworming per vet protocol, farrier (barefoot trims only) as needed every 6-10 weeks, and routine vetting for spring vaccines and coggins. All you provide is their blankets if wanted and the monthly board fee of $575.
Horse Boarding
On and Off-Farm Kids Beginner Lessons
Summer/After-School Camps
Birthday Parties
We offer beginner childrens lessons by Sabrina Bateman for introduction to riding and horse care as well as fun games and education. She has general experience working with children of all types from special needs to those who have experience with horses already. Learn more about her on our 'About Us' page! Lessons are available on our personal horses or on your own horse to work on the bond between horse and rider.
Pony Rides $10/child
Lead Line $20/15 minutes riding (I tack up)
$30/half hour or $50/hr (child grooms, rides, untacks)
Travel Lesson (we bring horse to you): $60/hr
Group Lesson: $25/person/45 min
Birthday Parties: check out page
Held Mondays and Wednesdays, children have the opportunity to care for a horse followed by riding after school once or twice a week. Pickup may be available depending on dismissal times, or children may ride the Monkton bus to our farm. Camp runs until 5:30.
$25/session or $40 for both/week

Summer Camps
We teach proper horse care from feeding, cleaning stalls, tacking up, bathing and caring for horse equipment. Children will be riding once a day and we will have activities daily from Arts and Crafts to Games and Optional Swimming time in the pond.
Visit Camp Page for more details and to sign up.

Birthday Parties!
What child wouldn't love having a pony party!? Designed for small to medium sized groups, kids will play games in the yard, break a pinata, feed and hold chickens, and get to ride a horse around the arena a couple times. You provide anything extra like presents, cake, and table accessories (plates, forks, knives, etc). We can set up the party area on the porch with food, presents, and eating tables or create a picnic area on the ground if preferred. Parties are typically 3 hours in duration and are $175 for 6 kids or less or $225 for 10 kids or less. We can add children at $15/child extra if more than 10 kids are coming.
We CAN provide supplies and decorations as well so all you have to do is show up for the party with your presents for the full experience which is $350 for up to 12 kids total.